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Maximise NZ Ltd


A key to operating your business in a competitive market is having up to the minute accurate information on your clients. 

Maximise complete a report at the end of each promotion. In the report we collect as much information as possible on your clients. Information ranges from -


  • Contact details - mobile numbers, email addresses, home address, date of birth etc.

  • Feedback on promotion. 

  • How many times they would like to be contacted?

  • Purchases from recent promotion. 

  • Referrals for new business. 

  • How satisfied are they with the service they receive from the company?

  • Any products or services they would like added to the company.

  • When they would like to use the company again - pre book if applicable.

Additional information can be added depending on different businesses demands. The information gathered by our team will be supplied as a record of contact over the time of the promotion. 

What to do with the information...

Having us contact your clients over an agreed time frame and gathering a lot of valuable information for the growth of your business. Implementation of this information is the next step in positive growth, that is essential for your business to successfully compete in your market. 

We will work with you in time-framing the next contact with your clients, in particular the ones who have given firm dates as the next contact to make use of your services or products.

If you don't have the staff or software available in your business, we will provide you with the next contact with your client, alerting you when clients wish to have further contact with you. This provides further sales opportunities to your business. 

Fast Response to Customer Needs

Our experienced sales team respond promptly to every customer issue, question or complaint. We engage with your customer as you have asked us to communicate through the initial meeting. In this meeting we will agree on a script which you are comfortable with, this being relayed to your customer. 

History of your company, product range, targeted promotion, supported email campaign is discussed at this time.

Working with our team, over a contract period will give your business awareness of how your company fares in speed of response to customers requests. Studies have shown that fast response can increase revenue generated in a business significantly.

Within any contracted time frame, we internally audit the success of customer servicing. Whether it is reaching out to customers, promotions with limited time frames, multi marketing campaigns -calls, emails, texting. Agreed 
reporting times are established with you, that changes can be made in a short time to maximise your returns. 

Maximise NZ Ltd - Working with all business sectors to achieve growth and client satisfaction
Working with existing teams

We provide ongoing support when you need us. A lot of businesses will already have staff in customer service roles, we can provide coverage for when staff are away on holiday, off sick or you just don't have the staff to carry out all of the roles needed to manage your customers quickly and professionally.


This could be seen as a long term option if you see yourself in these circumstances or short term while you evaluate the worthiness of employing additional staff.

We offer options 

We offer our services to small to medium businesses, you are able to start small and expand. We can start with customer data base updating, once the data base is current, then person to person calls to customers re product promotion, customer feedback, customer enquiries, customer referrals. All options are discussed and taken onboard by the business as the growth is achieved. 

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